We’re all in this together!
Even if we can’t hold hands right now.
Rapid New Test!!!
We have a new test available that can
test for COVID-19 & Flu.
What type of a test is this?
It is an ANTIGEN test. The swab is taken from the Nasopharynx (“deep, at the back of nose”).
The QUIDEL Sofia 2 Flu & SARS Antigen FIA employs immunofluorescence technology in a sandwich design that is used with Sofia 2 to detect nucleocapsid protein from SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Virus type A & B.
The United States (U.S.) FDA has made this test available under an emergency access mechanism called an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)*
How much does the test cost?
At the present moment, we are able to get the test at a cost that allows us to pass the savings over to you. For now, the cost of the test is $90. The cost may go up or down based upon how much we are able to buy it for from the manufacturer.
What time is the testing done?
We do the testing between 9:00 AM till about 10 AM..
When will I get my results?
We start calling people at about noon. We will try to call you at least twice to speak to you. Printed results are available in a packet with your name, at the clinic between 5 PM to 6 PM, for your official purposes, excuse, employment requirements etc.
We are trying our best to be as fast as possible. We do understand that you are eager to get the results back at the soonest.
Can I discuss my results with your nurse?
No. You need to discuss your results with your doctor.
Is it possible that what I have is Influenza?
Many of the symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to those of Influenza. These are two different infections however and require entirely different treatment approaches.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a yearly Flu (influenza) vaccine for all children 6 months & older.
Fight the Flu Tips
✓ Wash hands frequently
✓ Sanitize toys
✓ Teach kids to cough in their elbows
✓ Keep kids home from school and child care if they have any flu symptoms
Remember, getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself, your children & your loved ones from the Flu.

Your COVID-19 Vaccination
• COVID -19 vaccines are safe and effective.
• Everyone 12 years of age and older is now eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination.
• People who have been fully vaccinated can start to do some things that they had stopped doing because of the pandemic.
COVID-19 Vaccine
1- The safety of Covid-19 vaccines is a top priority.
The U.S vaccine safety system ensures that all vaccines are as safe as possible. Learn how federal partners are working together to ensure the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. CDC has developed a new tool, v-safe, as an additional layer of safety monitoring to increase our ability to rapidly detect any safety issues with COVID-19 vaccines. V-safe is a new smartphone based, after-vaccination health checker for people who receive COVID-19 vaccines.
2-COVID-19 Vaccination will help you getting COVID-19. Two doses are needed.
You need 2 doses of the current available COVID-19 vaccine. A second shot 3 weeks after your first shot is needed to get the most protection the vaccine has to offer against this serious disease.
3- After COVID-19 vaccination, you may have side effects. This is a normal sign that your body is building protection.
The side effects from COVID-19 vaccination may feel like flu and might even affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days. Learn more about what side effects to expect and get helpful tips on how to reduce pain and discomfort after your vaccination.
Helpful links:
4- Cost is not an obstacle to getting vaccinated against COVID-19.
Vaccine doses purchased with U.S. taxpayer dollars will be given to the American people at no cost. However, vaccination providers may be able to charge administration fees for giving the shot. Vaccination providers can get this fee reimbursed by the patient’s public or private insurance company or, for uninsured patients, by the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Provider Relief Fundexternal icon.
5- COVID-19 vaccines are one of many important tools to help us stop this pandemic.
It’s important for everyone to continue using all the tools available to help stop this pandemic as we learn more about how COVID-19 vaccines work in real-world conditions. Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when around others, stay at least 6 feet away from others, avoid crowds, and was your hands often.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a yearly Flu (influenza) vaccine for all children 6 months & older.
Fight The Flu Tips
✓ Wash hands frequently
✓ Sanitize toys
✓Teach kids to cough in their elbows
✓ Keep kids home from school and child care if they have any flu symptoms
Remember, getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself, your children & your loved ones from the Flu.
What we offer
Our team of medical professionals understands that children have needs that are as diverse and unique as each child is. The health care services we provide range from well-child routine care, including check-ups and physicals for school, camp and sports, to the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic illnesses, such as asthma and ADHD. We are equipped to provide care to infants and children with medically complex needs.
- Telemedian (virtual visits)
- Sick & Well Visits
- Immunizations
- Sport Physicals
- In house X-Rays
- In house Labs
- COVID-19 Vaccine
- COVID-19 Testing
- Ear Piercing with Local Anesthesia
- Treatment of Asthma, Bronchitis and Allergies
- Diagnosis & Management of ADHD
- Management of Bed Wetting
Lots of things have changed lately with COVID-19 epidemic, and we at ABC Pediatrics have tried our best to bridge the “social distancing” divide this has caused. The question is “How Can Telemedicine Benefit Us During The COVID-19 Pandemic”?
We at ABC Pediatrics are doing our part by providing support to our patients using Telehealth, while limiting health center visits to only those who absolutely must see the providers in person. Most of the patients have expressed a great satisfaction at the ease of access and the safety of such a visit. Your prescriptions are sent to the Pharmacy and you can go and pick the meds prescribed, with minimal contact with any person.
1- Treat a telemedicine visit just like a regular visit.
2- Feel free to include another person if you want.
3- Don’t stress about the technology.
“As you know, a lot of children are behind in their vaccinations and we are doing our best to schedule as many as we safely can.”
At present we are SCHEDULING every visit and limiting the number of patients in the clinic. Every exam room gets disinfected as does the Triage room, weighing scales, Vitals checking equipment. These all get cleaned to CDC Standards. Every Medical worker in the clinic is wearing a Mask and shield, to protect you, themselves and our families.
“FOR SICK VISITS: All visits are also scheduled and held generally in the afternoon. All tabs are done with the highest level PPE that we have at our disposal.
What conditions do Pediatric Virtual Visits cover?
We can care for the following areas in a Pediatric Virtual Visit:
COVID-19 Evaluation, Sore Throat, Asthma exacerbation or wheezing, Bronchitis, ADHD Evaluation and treatment, cold and cough, influenza, pink eye/eye infections, animal/insect bites, poison oak/poison ivy, Rashes with or without skin infection, Allergies, Sinus infections, stomachache/diarrhea/vomiting, sprains and strains. If in doubt, CALL US!
Sick Child Visits
Our experienced staff knows that illnesses such as colds and flus can be a very emotionally and physically draining experience for parents. We strive to offer fast service and same-day appointments to get your child back on the road to recovery as quickly as possible. The physician who regularly sees your child will determine how severe the illness is and will recommend the necessary steps to relieve symptoms and speed recovery. Our staff effectively communicates with you and other medical professionals to ensure the best choices for your child are made during an illness, regardless of severity.

Well Child Visits
As children growth and development, a well-child visit and check-ups are important to monitor their growth and development and encourage healthy lifestyles. Keeping your child healthy with physical and emotional support is part of health maintenance. We will share information about proper dental care, immunizations and discipline.
During the WELL CHILD VISIT, you and the provider will:
• Review growth and development
• Test hearing and vision
• Perform an appropriate exam
• Give needed vaccinations
• Address any problems or concerns
• Discuss any questions you may have related to development
The well child visit is usually covered 100% by insurance
This is different from a “sick or follow up visit” which does have co-pay. An exclusive Well Child Visit is recommended, but when it’s combined with a “sick visit” a co-pay or deductible may apply.

Texas Health Steps is health care for children birth through age 20 who have Medicaid. Texas Health Steps gives your child free medical checkups starting at birth. Checkups can help find health problems before they get worse and harder to treat.
• Discharge Newborn
• 2 Weeks
• 2 Months
• 4 Months
• 6 Months
• 9 Months
• 12 Months
• 15 Months
• 18 Months
• 24 Months
• 30 Months
• Every year
• Every year after that until 20 years of age.

Asthma also called bronchial asthma. A condition in which a person’s airways become inflamed, narrow and swell, and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe. Asthma can be minor or it can be interfere with daily activities. In some cases, it may lead to a life-threatening attack. Asthma may cause difficulty breathing, chest pain, cough, and wheezing. Asthma can usually be managed with rescue inhalers to treat symptoms and controller inhalers that prevent symptoms.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder also called ADHD is a chronic condition which manifest as attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and/or impulsiveness. ADHD often begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood. It can lead to school difficulties, low self-esteem and troubled relationships.
Our clinic does ADHD consultations every Tuesday and Thursday! Please come by to see us or call for an appointment!
In-House Laboratory Services
We offer a full array of services to help your child maintain good health. We have a laboratory on-site with quick results.
• Urinalysis
• Strep Throat check
• Influenza check
• Mononucleosis
• RSV’s
• HCG’s (Pregnancy Test)
• Stool Blood Occult testing
• Spirometrys
• EKG’s
• Vaccines (Immunizations)
• Nebulizer Treatments
• X-Rays
• Popslabs
• Ear Lavage
• PPD’s (TB Testing)
• Vision Screening
• Hearing Screening

Telephone Services and Answering Service
At ABC Pediatrics, our friendly staff is here to help our patients with any questions or converns that they may have between the hours of 8:00 A.M. through 7:30 P.M.
We have an answering service that will take your message and a provider will get in touch with you to assess the concerns from 7:30 P.M. through the night.
Please call our office before going to the Urgent Care or ER

Electronic Medical Records Patient Portal
At ABC Pediatrics, our electronic medical records system is Athena Health that has an online patient portal, you can manage your health anytime, anywhere.
- Communicate privately with our providers
- View appointments
- See your test results and health history
Ask us for help signing up, and take control of your health.
Because many changes have occurred this year in the healthcare industry, we ask that you contact your insurance company to confirm that your doctor is an in-network participating provider for your particular plan. This is also highly recommended if you are selecting a new insurance plan, as it is the parent’s responsibility to verify whether or not your doctor is an in-network provider for your insurance. Please contact our billing department if you have any questions about this or need assistance. We are contracted providers for Medicaid; therefore, we do accept patients with Medicaid (primary or secondary) coverage.
Because we care!
Monday - Friday 8:00 -5:00PM
After Hours 5:00-7:00
Saturday 8:00 - 12:30PM
Sunday 3:00 - 7:00PM